The flexibility of the GISPartner's technology is reflected in the scope of implementations. Local government units, state administration institutions, environmental units, business, in particular network companies - everywhere our solutions based on reliable software allow us to more effectively carry out various processes and manage infrastructure and events.
From the presentation of assets on configurable maps, event management, including crisis management, through processes that result in an administrative decision, to advanced customer support portals. Thanks to testing thousands of scenarios in implementations working for various clients, our software actually contributes to the improvement of the organization's operation.
We meet all the requirements, not only functional, but drawn by the law. From EU directives such as INSPIRE, through the GDPR, to detailed provisions regulating individual issues of the daily work of public administration and business.
Solution models
Recipients of our solutions
Geoportals are specialized websites that enable the presentation of data on maps. The scope of their applications is constantly expanding and covers both public administration units and business.
GISPartner is the Polish leader in providing geoportal solutions. We have an extensive experience in implementing solutions in every scale, from individual municipalities, through voivodships, to the largest Polish geoportal - the National Geoportal, implemented for the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography.
Thanks to our proprietary iMap platform, we are able to customize a solution for each client, regardless of the industry. At the same time, maintaining the highest standards of data security, system efficiency, or compliance with legal regulations or EU directives (INSPIRE).
It supports local government units in planning and decision-making processes when space in onvolved.
The module presents local spatial development plans (in a standardized form of vector data and raster drawings), a study of the conditions and directions of spatial development, as well as planning registers related to these documents (applications for preparation or amendment, applications for extract and drawing, applications and comments to projects planning documents). In addition, the available tools provide the ability to automatically create extracts and excerpts from local plans (documents required for many investment processes). The module allows you to conduct the full process of starting the preparation of a draft local plan, its adoption and supplying the database with a new document.
The module can be extended with the functions of social consultations made available for public inspection of draft planning documents. In the case of system integration with the ePUAP platform (official authorization system), it is possible to submit applications and comments to the local plan draft for users with ePUAP accounts.
Podstawa prawna – Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym (Dz.U. 2003 nr 80 poz. 717 ze zmianami, tj. Dz.U. 2015 poz. 199)
Our solutions include a wide range of inventory of resources and an equally wide range of supported registers. All elements are compliant with the currently legal regulations, significantly supporting the implementation of statutory obligations of public administration units.
For example, the commune property inventory module allows you to keep a register of real estate constituting its property, as well as the property of the State Treasury. The basic functions of the module are the recording of the current state of property (plots, utility classes, buildings, premises, other structures and fixed assets), keeping records of property turnover (sale and purchase, free transfer, division and consolidation of land), keeping a register of perpetual and permanent usufruct management board with the use of the function of calculating fees and generating printouts for notifications.
The modules related to the registers include, for example, the register of monuments to keep records of immovable monuments in a given area, included in the provincial register of monuments and for spatial planning considering their protection. The protection of monuments is the responsibility of local government units and mainly consists in: ensuring legal, organizational and financial conditions enabling the permanent preservation of monuments as well as their management and maintenance; preventing undesirable phenomena: destruction and improper use of monuments, their theft, disappearances, illegal exports abroad; controlling the state of preservation and purpose of monuments; taking into account protective tasks in the process of planning, spatial development and shaping the environment.
Another example of the register is the register of forms of nature protection (including landscape parks, Natura 2000 areas, natural monuments, protected landscape areas, documentation sites).
Public administration units fulfill a wide range of obligations resulting from legal provisions. Many of the processes involve contact with residents. Thus, local government units provide services for citizens, and the way in which these processes proceed directly affects the evaluation of the work of officials.
GISPartner offers advanced in terms of possibilities and simple in terms of service systems supporting the implementation of e-services for residents. The software supports the offices in this area on many levels. First of all, it allows the residents to handle a number of matters without leaving their home. All forms include data validation, which reduces the number of error in the applications. In addition, residents have access to information on the progress of the case. The result of the application of the solution is the reduction of time for handling matters both on the part of the residents and the office, thus improving the efficiency of the office's work and the evaluation of its work by residents.
The solution includes the possibility of integration with the GIS system, e.g. in order to precisely indicate the location concerned by the case and with the ePUAP platform (official public authorization platform).
An exemplary application of the module is the process of issuing administrative decisions by keeping registers of applications and decisions in the field of architectural and construction administration and construction supervision - building and land development conditions, location of public purpose investments, construction applications and notifications, construction decisions, applications for use, decisions for use, notifications of the commencement and completion of construction works. In addition, the module has the function of generating documents based on standardized templates, such as building permits, demolition permits, etc. It also provides tools for creating basic statements and reports, eg for the Statistics Poland.
Podstawa prawna – Ustawa dnia 7 lipca 1994 r. Prawo Budowlane (Dz.U. 1994 nr 89 poz. 414 ze zmianami), Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym (Dz.U. 2003 nr 80 poz. 717 ze zmianami, tj. Dz.U. 2015 poz. 199), Kodeks Postępowania Administracyjnego (Dz.U. 1960 nr 30 poz. 168 ze zmianami, tj. Dz.U. 2013 nr 0 poz. 267).
The circulation of documents in an organization is the blood circulation of information that ensures its effective functioning. Efficient document flow already applies to small organizations, but it becomes particularly important when the scale of the company or institution is large. GISPartner solutions, based on many practical experiences, ensure such efficiency. We are able to provide our own solution or integrate the system, eg. GIS, with the document circulation system in accordance with the definition of Electronic Document Management. Additionally, the system can be integrated with ePUAP (state owned authorization system for the citizens of Poland).
Large organizations, often territorially dispersed, need efficient process management in order to operate efficiently. GISPartner successfully implemented mechanisms based on the process engine (BPMS) in such organizations. Based on the implemented organizational structure, the system allows for any modeling of processes, and then the implementation of tasks according to specific paths.
One of the main groups of recipients of GISPartner software are local governments, especially municipalities. An example of a comprehensive solution for this group of clients is the iMapCity system, which fully meets the needs and performs tasks specified by the law imposed by Polish legislation on local government and government units.
iMapCity is a system dedicated to local government units, e.g. municipalities, which is a set of tools supporting local government units in the implementation of official procedures, especially in the field of keeping thematic registers and information databases with reference to geographical space (e.g. land and building register, real estate register, real estate numbering, register of monuments).
iMapCity also supports the issuing of official documents and provides many other functions that implement or support statutory tasks imposed on local governments (e.g. extracts or excerpts from spatial development plans, architectural decisions, building permits, notification of assigning a real estate address).
The solution is compliant with the national and European legal regulations.
INSPIRE - INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe - i.e. a set of legal, organizational and technical measures offering universal access to spatial data in the European Union. The aim is to support policymakers in making decisions and actions that may have an impact on the environment by creating a uniform European spatial data infrastructure. The directive is designed to create uniform standards for creating databases, improve and increase access to spatial resources, and strengthen cooperation consisting in the exchange and analysis of spatial data between institutions in Europe.
GISPartner offers services of implementing applications and map portals compliant with the requirements of the INSPIRE directive. The compatibility of our solutions with INSPIRE results from the architecture of the iMap platform itself. A practical confirmation of this compliance is a very large number of implementations in projects that differ both in terms of scale and sector.
The services required by INSPIRE and supported by our solutions include: search services, browsing services, download services, transformation services - all in accordance with the guidelines specified in the directive.
ePUAP is a state owned system which allows to confirm the identity of Polish citizens, giving an access to a wide range of e-services. Integration of the GIS system with document circulation systems guarantees full service of the case settlement process in the office, while reducing the time of its handling. Documents arrive at the office from a resident or a potential investor through the ePUAP platform (electronic signature or a trusted profile is verified by the entity), then it is registered in the official document circulation system and is transferred directly to the registration application operated by an employee of the office by assignment. The case can also be registered graphically in the GIS system. An appropriate document is prepared in the registration application, e.g. an excerpt and an excerpt from the local spatial development plan, which is returned as a response to the document circulation system and to the applicant via the ePUAP platform.
Podstawa prawna – Ustawa z dnia 17 lutego 2005 r. o informatyzacji działalności podmiotów realizujących zadania publiczne (Dz.U. 2005 nr 64 poz. 565 ze zmianami)
One of the strongest trends of the modern on-line world is the collective support of administration by the society. No public service, even the most efficient one, is able to be everywhere, at all times. Providing the society with simple, accessible and understandable tools to inform the public services about undesirable situations not only improves their effectiveness, but also gives a sense of shared responsibility.
The popularity of this type of solution may be proved by the number of notifications carried out via the National Security Threats Map. The platform allows you to report many types of abuse via a desktop browser or mobile application. Reports are sent to the appropriate services. The number of submissions is already surpassing two millions.
Based on this technology and idea, solutions dedicated to solving specific problems can be created. One example is the anti-smog system. Citizens receive a tool to report people who smoke in stoves with inappropriate fuels. The effectiveness of the system is based, first of all, on the automatic geolocation of the notification and its transfer to the competent services, also territorially.
GISPartner technology uses dynamic clustering of points in a given location to a point containing the number of grouped features. The function is distinguished from those available on the market by its exceptional performance. Thanks to the components that support big data, clustering can handle not thousands, but millions of objects.
The module ensures keeping a register of towns, streets and address points as well as verification of the address database within the local government unit.
It allows for the spatial presentation of the register (map), editing of spatial data, storage and viewing of documents relating to the register, automatic generation of notifications about the address assignment and the necessary summaries and reports (e.g. for the Statistics Poland). The module ensures that the database is kept in a structure compliant with the EMUIA scheme and the data is exported to the GML format. In addition, the module provides additional functions helpful for the work of a local government unit by building a reference database of address points.
Podstawa prawna – Rozporządzenie Ministra Administracji i Cyfryzacji z dnia 9 stycznia 2012 r. w sprawie ewidencji miejscowości, ulic i adresów.
The flexibility of the GISPartner's iMap platform gives great opportunities to create thematic geoportals. Thematic geoportals can be created as independent services or be based on a general geoportal already existing in a given area. Among the truly enormous number of possible applications, here are a few examples.
Tourism. Identification of the most interesting objects with tourist potential along with their detailed description, proposals for walking and cycling routes, including thematic routes, presentation of the culinary heritage of the region, including the presentation of traditional and regional products, information about events in the region, presentation of ski routes and much more
Business. Geoportal containing investment offers of the region. The search engine, which enables filtering on the basis of important for a potential investor, in combination with the information package available on the maps, e.g. a spatial development plan, gives a complete picture of a given location.
Environment. Designation and description of protected areas, indication of natural monuments, pollution maps, noise / acoustic maps, radiation sources, waste management, hydrology, sozological map.
One of the strongest trends of the modern on-line world is the collective support of administration by the society. No public service, even the most efficient one, is able to be everywhere, at all times. Providing the society with simple, accessible and understandable tools to inform the public services about undesirable situations not only improves their effectiveness, but also gives a sense of shared responsibility.
The popularity of this type of solution may be proved by the number of notifications carried out via the National Security Threats Map. The platform allows you to report many types of abuse via a desktop browser or mobile application. Reports are sent to the appropriate services. The number of submissions is already surpassing two millions.
Based on this technology and idea, solutions dedicated to solving specific problems can be created. One example is the anti-smog system. Citizens receive a tool to report people who smoke in stoves with inappropriate fuels. The effectiveness of the system is based, first of all, on the automatic geolocation of the notification and its transfer to the competent services, also territorially.
GISPartner technology uses dynamic clustering of points in a given location to a point containing the number of grouped features. The function is distinguished from those available on the market by its exceptional performance. Thanks to the components that support big data, clustering can handle not thousands, but millions of objects.
The share of smartphones (mobile) in generating internet traffic is constantly growing and in many industries it is already larger than the traffic coming from browsers installed on computers (desktop). Customers using GIS solutions also expect the ability to access data and services via phones.
GISPartner has been providing mobile endpoints of its systems for several years. The customers are offered an iOS and Android application. Our most popular mobile solutions include the Geoportal Mobile application, which enables the use of the resources of the National Geoportal on phones and an apo for sending reports via the National Security Threat Map.
GISPartner has extensive competences and experience in the field of knowledge transfer, in particular through e-learning. We have ready, proven e-learning technology. At the same time, we are able to prepare training materials. Thanks to this, we provide a comprehensive service that meets the needs of customers in the field of e-learning.
We enable efficient integration with e-billing systems and leading e-payment systems. Thanks to this, we support the entire business process from submitting the application, through its payment, to the decision.
Geoportals are specialized websites that enable the presentation of data on maps. The scope of their applications is constantly expanding and covers both public administration units and business.
GISPartner is the Polish leader in providing geoportal solutions. We have an extensive experience in implementing solutions in every scale, from individual municipalities, through voivodships, to the largest Polish geoportal - the National Geoportal, implemented for the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography.
Thanks to our proprietary iMap platform, we are able to customize a solution for each client, regardless of the industry. At the same time, maintaining the highest standards of data security, system efficiency, or compliance with legal regulations or EU directives (INSPIRE).
Geostatistics is a department of statistics dealing with the analysis and forecasting of processes located in space and over time. Geostatistical portals are modern methods of cartographic presentation of the statistical information. Solutions of this type collect, present and provide the possibility of attractive sharing of this type of data. They can be used for scientific and informational purposes, as well as in business. In Poland, the key system of this class is the Geostatistics Portal owned by Statistics Poland and based on the GISPartner technology.
Our solutions include a wide range of inventory of resources and an equally wide range of supported registers. All elements are compliant with the currently legal regulations, significantly supporting the implementation of statutory obligations of public administration units.
For example, the commune property inventory module allows you to keep a register of real estate constituting its property, as well as the property of the State Treasury. The basic functions of the module are the recording of the current state of property (plots, utility classes, buildings, premises, other structures and fixed assets), keeping records of property turnover (sale and purchase, free transfer, division and consolidation of land), keeping a register of perpetual and permanent usufruct management board with the use of the function of calculating fees and generating printouts for notifications.
The modules related to the registers include, for example, the register of monuments to keep records of immovable monuments in a given area, included in the provincial register of monuments and for spatial planning considering their protection. The protection of monuments is the responsibility of local government units and mainly consists in: ensuring legal, organizational and financial conditions enabling the permanent preservation of monuments as well as their management and maintenance; preventing undesirable phenomena: destruction and improper use of monuments, their theft, disappearances, illegal exports abroad; controlling the state of preservation and purpose of monuments; taking into account protective tasks in the process of planning, spatial development and shaping the environment.
Another example of the register is the register of forms of nature protection (including landscape parks, Natura 2000 areas, natural monuments, protected landscape areas, documentation sites).
Public administration units fulfill a wide range of obligations resulting from legal provisions. Many of the processes involve contact with residents. Thus, local government units provide services for citizens, and the way in which these processes proceed directly affects the evaluation of the work of officials.
GISPartner offers advanced in terms of possibilities and simple in terms of service systems supporting the implementation of e-services for residents. The software supports the offices in this area on many levels. First of all, it allows the residents to handle a number of matters without leaving their home. All forms include data validation, which reduces the number of error in the applications. In addition, residents have access to information on the progress of the case. The result of the application of the solution is the reduction of time for handling matters both on the part of the residents and the office, thus improving the efficiency of the office's work and the evaluation of its work by residents.
The solution includes the possibility of integration with the GIS system, e.g. in order to precisely indicate the location concerned by the case and with the ePUAP platform (official public authorization platform).
An exemplary application of the module is the process of issuing administrative decisions by keeping registers of applications and decisions in the field of architectural and construction administration and construction supervision - building and land development conditions, location of public purpose investments, construction applications and notifications, construction decisions, applications for use, decisions for use, notifications of the commencement and completion of construction works. In addition, the module has the function of generating documents based on standardized templates, such as building permits, demolition permits, etc. It also provides tools for creating basic statements and reports, eg for the Statistics Poland.
Podstawa prawna – Ustawa dnia 7 lipca 1994 r. Prawo Budowlane (Dz.U. 1994 nr 89 poz. 414 ze zmianami), Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym (Dz.U. 2003 nr 80 poz. 717 ze zmianami, tj. Dz.U. 2015 poz. 199), Kodeks Postępowania Administracyjnego (Dz.U. 1960 nr 30 poz. 168 ze zmianami, tj. Dz.U. 2013 nr 0 poz. 267).
The circulation of documents in an organization is the blood circulation of information that ensures its effective functioning. Efficient document flow already applies to small organizations, but it becomes particularly important when the scale of the company or institution is large. GISPartner solutions, based on many practical experiences, ensure such efficiency. We are able to provide our own solution or integrate the system, eg. GIS, with the document circulation system in accordance with the definition of Electronic Document Management. Additionally, the system can be integrated with ePUAP (state owned authorization system for the citizens of Poland).
Large organizations, often territorially dispersed, need efficient process management in order to operate efficiently. GISPartner successfully implemented mechanisms based on the process engine (BPMS) in such organizations. Based on the implemented organizational structure, the system allows for any modeling of processes, and then the implementation of tasks according to specific paths.
Managing the hydrological infrastructure is a complex and demanding task, partly due to its territorial dispersion. At the same time, the data-based hydrological analysis directly influences many aspects of the country's security. GISPartner has extensive experience in working with hydrological projects, including the IT System of Protection of the Country. It is a complex solution developed for the National Water Authority in Poland.
INSPIRE - INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe - i.e. a set of legal, organizational and technical measures offering universal access to spatial data in the European Union. The aim is to support policymakers in making decisions and actions that may have an impact on the environment by creating a uniform European spatial data infrastructure. The directive is designed to create uniform standards for creating databases, improve and increase access to spatial resources, and strengthen cooperation consisting in the exchange and analysis of spatial data between institutions in Europe.
GISPartner offers services of implementing applications and map portals compliant with the requirements of the INSPIRE directive. The compatibility of our solutions with INSPIRE results from the architecture of the iMap platform itself. A practical confirmation of this compliance is a very large number of implementations in projects that differ both in terms of scale and sector.
The services required by INSPIRE and supported by our solutions include: search services, browsing services, download services, transformation services - all in accordance with the guidelines specified in the directive.
ePUAP is a state owned system which allows to confirm the identity of Polish citizens, giving an access to a wide range of e-services. Integration of the GIS system with document circulation systems guarantees full service of the case settlement process in the office, while reducing the time of its handling. Documents arrive at the office from a resident or a potential investor through the ePUAP platform (electronic signature or a trusted profile is verified by the entity), then it is registered in the official document circulation system and is transferred directly to the registration application operated by an employee of the office by assignment. The case can also be registered graphically in the GIS system. An appropriate document is prepared in the registration application, e.g. an excerpt and an excerpt from the local spatial development plan, which is returned as a response to the document circulation system and to the applicant via the ePUAP platform.
Podstawa prawna – Ustawa z dnia 17 lutego 2005 r. o informatyzacji działalności podmiotów realizujących zadania publiczne (Dz.U. 2005 nr 64 poz. 565 ze zmianami)
One of the strongest trends of the modern on-line world is the collective support of administration by the society. No public service, even the most efficient one, is able to be everywhere, at all times. Providing the society with simple, accessible and understandable tools to inform the public services about undesirable situations not only improves their effectiveness, but also gives a sense of shared responsibility.
The popularity of this type of solution may be proved by the number of notifications carried out via the National Security Threats Map. The platform allows you to report many types of abuse via a desktop browser or mobile application. Reports are sent to the appropriate services. The number of submissions is already surpassing two millions.
Based on this technology and idea, solutions dedicated to solving specific problems can be created. One example is the anti-smog system. Citizens receive a tool to report people who smoke in stoves with inappropriate fuels. The effectiveness of the system is based, first of all, on the automatic geolocation of the notification and its transfer to the competent services, also territorially.
GISPartner technology uses dynamic clustering of points in a given location to a point containing the number of grouped features. The function is distinguished from those available on the market by its exceptional performance. Thanks to the components that support big data, clustering can handle not thousands, but millions of objects.
Sprawne zarządzanie w sytuacjach kryzysowych nie może odbywać się w oderwaniu od przestrzeni. Dlatego jednym z zastosowań systemów GIS jest właśnie wsparcie właściwych służb w przeciwdziałaniu i walce z efektami różnego rodzaju zagrożeń. Również systemy GISPartner zawierają rozwiązania odpowiadające na tego rodzaju potrzeby.
The flexibility of the GISPartner's iMap platform gives great opportunities to create thematic geoportals. Thematic geoportals can be created as independent services or be based on a general geoportal already existing in a given area. Among the truly enormous number of possible applications, here are a few examples.
Tourism. Identification of the most interesting objects with tourist potential along with their detailed description, proposals for walking and cycling routes, including thematic routes, presentation of the culinary heritage of the region, including the presentation of traditional and regional products, information about events in the region, presentation of ski routes and much more
Business. Geoportal containing investment offers of the region. The search engine, which enables filtering on the basis of important for a potential investor, in combination with the information package available on the maps, e.g. a spatial development plan, gives a complete picture of a given location.
Environment. Designation and description of protected areas, indication of natural monuments, pollution maps, noise / acoustic maps, radiation sources, waste management, hydrology, sozological map.
One of the strongest trends of the modern on-line world is the collective support of administration by the society. No public service, even the most efficient one, is able to be everywhere, at all times. Providing the society with simple, accessible and understandable tools to inform the public services about undesirable situations not only improves their effectiveness, but also gives a sense of shared responsibility.
The popularity of this type of solution may be proved by the number of notifications carried out via the National Security Threats Map. The platform allows you to report many types of abuse via a desktop browser or mobile application. Reports are sent to the appropriate services. The number of submissions is already surpassing two millions.
Based on this technology and idea, solutions dedicated to solving specific problems can be created. One example is the anti-smog system. Citizens receive a tool to report people who smoke in stoves with inappropriate fuels. The effectiveness of the system is based, first of all, on the automatic geolocation of the notification and its transfer to the competent services, also territorially.
GISPartner technology uses dynamic clustering of points in a given location to a point containing the number of grouped features. The function is distinguished from those available on the market by its exceptional performance. Thanks to the components that support big data, clustering can handle not thousands, but millions of objects.
The share of smartphones (mobile) in generating internet traffic is constantly growing and in many industries it is already larger than the traffic coming from browsers installed on computers (desktop). Customers using GIS solutions also expect the ability to access data and services via phones.
GISPartner has been providing mobile endpoints of its systems for several years. The customers are offered an iOS and Android application. Our most popular mobile solutions include the Geoportal Mobile application, which enables the use of the resources of the National Geoportal on phones and an apo for sending reports via the National Security Threat Map.
GISPartner has extensive competences and experience in the field of knowledge transfer, in particular through e-learning. We have ready, proven e-learning technology. At the same time, we are able to prepare training materials. Thanks to this, we provide a comprehensive service that meets the needs of customers in the field of e-learning.
We enable efficient integration with e-billing systems and leading e-payment systems. Thanks to this, we support the entire business process from submitting the application, through its payment, to the decision.
Business solutions
Geoportals are specialized websites that enable the presentation of data on maps. The scope of their applications is constantly expanding and covers both public administration units and business.
GISPartner is the Polish leader in providing geoportal solutions. We have an extensive experience in implementing solutions in every scale, from individual municipalities, through voivodships, to the largest Polish geoportal - the National Geoportal, implemented for the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography.
Thanks to our proprietary iMap platform, we are able to customize a solution for each client, regardless of the industry. At the same time, maintaining the highest standards of data security, system efficiency, or compliance with legal regulations or EU directives (INSPIRE).
Large organizations, often territorially dispersed, need efficient process management in order to operate efficiently. GISPartner successfully implemented mechanisms based on the process engine (BPMS) in such organizations. Based on the implemented organizational structure, the system allows for any modeling of processes, and then the implementation of tasks according to specific paths.
It supports local government units in planning and decision-making processes when space in onvolved.
The module presents local spatial development plans (in a standardized form of vector data and raster drawings), a study of the conditions and directions of spatial development, as well as planning registers related to these documents (applications for preparation or amendment, applications for extract and drawing, applications and comments to projects planning documents). In addition, the available tools provide the ability to automatically create extracts and excerpts from local plans (documents required for many investment processes). The module allows you to conduct the full process of starting the preparation of a draft local plan, its adoption and supplying the database with a new document.
The module can be extended with the functions of social consultations made available for public inspection of draft planning documents. In the case of system integration with the ePUAP platform (official authorization system), it is possible to submit applications and comments to the local plan draft for users with ePUAP accounts.
Podstawa prawna – Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym (Dz.U. 2003 nr 80 poz. 717 ze zmianami, tj. Dz.U. 2015 poz. 199)
Our solutions include a wide range of inventory of resources and an equally wide range of supported registers. All elements are compliant with the currently legal regulations, significantly supporting the implementation of statutory obligations of public administration units.
For example, the commune property inventory module allows you to keep a register of real estate constituting its property, as well as the property of the State Treasury. The basic functions of the module are the recording of the current state of property (plots, utility classes, buildings, premises, other structures and fixed assets), keeping records of property turnover (sale and purchase, free transfer, division and consolidation of land), keeping a register of perpetual and permanent usufruct management board with the use of the function of calculating fees and generating printouts for notifications.
The modules related to the registers include, for example, the register of monuments to keep records of immovable monuments in a given area, included in the provincial register of monuments and for spatial planning considering their protection. The protection of monuments is the responsibility of local government units and mainly consists in: ensuring legal, organizational and financial conditions enabling the permanent preservation of monuments as well as their management and maintenance; preventing undesirable phenomena: destruction and improper use of monuments, their theft, disappearances, illegal exports abroad; controlling the state of preservation and purpose of monuments; taking into account protective tasks in the process of planning, spatial development and shaping the environment.
Another example of the register is the register of forms of nature protection (including landscape parks, Natura 2000 areas, natural monuments, protected landscape areas, documentation sites).
Public administration units fulfill a wide range of obligations resulting from legal provisions. Many of the processes involve contact with residents. Thus, local government units provide services for citizens, and the way in which these processes proceed directly affects the evaluation of the work of officials.
GISPartner offers advanced in terms of possibilities and simple in terms of service systems supporting the implementation of e-services for residents. The software supports the offices in this area on many levels. First of all, it allows the residents to handle a number of matters without leaving their home. All forms include data validation, which reduces the number of error in the applications. In addition, residents have access to information on the progress of the case. The result of the application of the solution is the reduction of time for handling matters both on the part of the residents and the office, thus improving the efficiency of the office's work and the evaluation of its work by residents.
The solution includes the possibility of integration with the GIS system, e.g. in order to precisely indicate the location concerned by the case and with the ePUAP platform (official public authorization platform).
An exemplary application of the module is the process of issuing administrative decisions by keeping registers of applications and decisions in the field of architectural and construction administration and construction supervision - building and land development conditions, location of public purpose investments, construction applications and notifications, construction decisions, applications for use, decisions for use, notifications of the commencement and completion of construction works. In addition, the module has the function of generating documents based on standardized templates, such as building permits, demolition permits, etc. It also provides tools for creating basic statements and reports, eg for the Statistics Poland.
Podstawa prawna – Ustawa dnia 7 lipca 1994 r. Prawo Budowlane (Dz.U. 1994 nr 89 poz. 414 ze zmianami), Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym (Dz.U. 2003 nr 80 poz. 717 ze zmianami, tj. Dz.U. 2015 poz. 199), Kodeks Postępowania Administracyjnego (Dz.U. 1960 nr 30 poz. 168 ze zmianami, tj. Dz.U. 2013 nr 0 poz. 267).
The circulation of documents in an organization is the blood circulation of information that ensures its effective functioning. Efficient document flow already applies to small organizations, but it becomes particularly important when the scale of the company or institution is large. GISPartner solutions, based on many practical experiences, ensure such efficiency. We are able to provide our own solution or integrate the system, eg. GIS, with the document circulation system in accordance with the definition of Electronic Document Management. Additionally, the system can be integrated with ePUAP (state owned authorization system for the citizens of Poland).
ePUAP is a state owned system which allows to confirm the identity of Polish citizens, giving an access to a wide range of e-services. Integration of the GIS system with document circulation systems guarantees full service of the case settlement process in the office, while reducing the time of its handling. Documents arrive at the office from a resident or a potential investor through the ePUAP platform (electronic signature or a trusted profile is verified by the entity), then it is registered in the official document circulation system and is transferred directly to the registration application operated by an employee of the office by assignment. The case can also be registered graphically in the GIS system. An appropriate document is prepared in the registration application, e.g. an excerpt and an excerpt from the local spatial development plan, which is returned as a response to the document circulation system and to the applicant via the ePUAP platform.
Podstawa prawna – Ustawa z dnia 17 lutego 2005 r. o informatyzacji działalności podmiotów realizujących zadania publiczne (Dz.U. 2005 nr 64 poz. 565 ze zmianami)
One of the strongest trends of the modern on-line world is the collective support of administration by the society. No public service, even the most efficient one, is able to be everywhere, at all times. Providing the society with simple, accessible and understandable tools to inform the public services about undesirable situations not only improves their effectiveness, but also gives a sense of shared responsibility.
The popularity of this type of solution may be proved by the number of notifications carried out via the National Security Threats Map. The platform allows you to report many types of abuse via a desktop browser or mobile application. Reports are sent to the appropriate services. The number of submissions is already surpassing two millions.
Based on this technology and idea, solutions dedicated to solving specific problems can be created. One example is the anti-smog system. Citizens receive a tool to report people who smoke in stoves with inappropriate fuels. The effectiveness of the system is based, first of all, on the automatic geolocation of the notification and its transfer to the competent services, also territorially.
GISPartner technology uses dynamic clustering of points in a given location to a point containing the number of grouped features. The function is distinguished from those available on the market by its exceptional performance. Thanks to the components that support big data, clustering can handle not thousands, but millions of objects.
The flexibility of the GISPartner's iMap platform gives great opportunities to create thematic geoportals. Thematic geoportals can be created as independent services or be based on a general geoportal already existing in a given area. Among the truly enormous number of possible applications, here are a few examples.
Tourism. Identification of the most interesting objects with tourist potential along with their detailed description, proposals for walking and cycling routes, including thematic routes, presentation of the culinary heritage of the region, including the presentation of traditional and regional products, information about events in the region, presentation of ski routes and much more
Business. Geoportal containing investment offers of the region. The search engine, which enables filtering on the basis of important for a potential investor, in combination with the information package available on the maps, e.g. a spatial development plan, gives a complete picture of a given location.
Environment. Designation and description of protected areas, indication of natural monuments, pollution maps, noise / acoustic maps, radiation sources, waste management, hydrology, sozological map.
The share of smartphones (mobile) in generating internet traffic is constantly growing and in many industries it is already larger than the traffic coming from browsers installed on computers (desktop). Customers using GIS solutions also expect the ability to access data and services via phones.
GISPartner has been providing mobile endpoints of its systems for several years. The customers are offered an iOS and Android application. Our most popular mobile solutions include the Geoportal Mobile application, which enables the use of the resources of the National Geoportal on phones and an apo for sending reports via the National Security Threat Map.
We enable efficient integration with e-billing systems and leading e-payment systems. Thanks to this, we support the entire business process from submitting the application, through its payment, to the decision.
Value-added services
GISPartner has been operating on the Polish IT market since 2003. During this period, our team has accumulated an unprecedented amount of practical knowledge and skills. Dozens of implementations, on every scale, a wide range of topics, work on projects of strategic importance for you. This gives us a strong foundation to support our clients with unique knowledge.
We provide IT, GIS and environmental consulting services. Thanks to our services, customers make choices that are optimal in terms of content and costs.
GISPartner provides the ability to integrate satellite imagery in the systems it prepares. Data can be placed and presented in the system as independent layers, allowing for any combination with other data.
We are also able to provide the preparation of analytical modules dedicated to the client's needs, and then make the results of such processing available on maps.
We also provide advice on the selection of satellite imagery for specific needs. At the customer's request, we can provide satellite imagery optimal in terms of quality and price from one of our suppliers.
Kompleksowo realizujemy usługi serwisowe dostosowane od potrzeb Klienta: od usługi asysty technicznej i konserwacji oprogramowania (ATiK), przez serwis oprogramowania po kompleksowe utrzymanie rozwiązań IT. Nasz Dział Wdrożeń i Serwisu, od ponad 20 lat realizujący takie usługi, przygotuje ofertę dedykowaną Twojemu systemowi.
ESRI (acronym for Environmental Systems Research Institute) is a GIS software provider operating on a global scale. With its headquartered in California, the company has been operating since 1969. It is now the world GIS software leader with a market share of over 40%.
The key line of products for the company is ArcGIS, including servers, desktop, mobile and web modules.
GISPartner has been working with Esri since we established the company. We have been a member of the Esri Partner Network for many years, which confirms the highest level of competence of our team in the field of ArcGIS products.
Regardless of whether our customers expect the implementation of ArcGIS-based tools, training, consulting or simply acquiring a license - our specialists are ready to share their knowledge and experience, which is backed by dozens of satisfied customers.